Friday, January 28, 2011


So I used to have it together and have things very organized and clean. As we all know that can be quite hard with 2 kids, 2 dogs and a husband around. Well needless to say my house has fallen behind in the organizing department and I am tired of it. I have recently stumbled across the blog I Heart Organizing and I am in love. She makes all of her stuff look so pretty. Just look at these photos from her site:

Go ahead and click on the photos and blow them up. ....
She even makes a to-do list look good

And these labels....Oh, these labels. I want to make them and put them on everything in my house.

So I am trying to be inspired and start organizing again. I know, I know I have said that so many times before. But you~yes you reading this post still are going to hold me to it this time. Lets set a goal for ourselves and use each other as motivation in the coming month to tackle some organizing one area at a time. What do you think? What area should we start with? I will post before-after-and during photos if you will too. Comment with the area you would like to start with and we will get to work together.

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