I came across the below blog posting and could not help but know exactly how the lady writing it feels. I moved to Tenn. when I got married and had a really hard time in the beginning. After realizing that if I didn't get over the fact that we moved and realize that this was now my home I would never be able to make new friends. Since then I have made a few lasting friendships but I can count them on one hand. Don't get me wrong I am so grateful for the women that I am able to call good friends in my life-lord knows I would not be able to make it without them. But I do still miss those girlfriends I left behind in GA. I often hear about there girls nights and get together's and its hard. I think to myself-that should be me planing and taking part in all this fun. But I need to remember that I DO HAVE FRIENDS here that would do anything for me and be grateful for what I have and not dwell on those that I have left behind by moving away.
I think in high school its much easier to make friends and keep friendships going strong. But as adults its much harder to connect with other women. We are afraid to put our selves out there most of the time-or at least I am. But being a mother esp. one that stays home you need to have a good network of women around you who you can call and cry or yell with, those who can see you at your best and at your worst. Now that I am a mother I have had the opportunity to meet new people through mom activities and moms groups. But I can honestly say I have felt at times like I am walking through target shopping for a friend. Oh, look at her-she looks like someone I could be friends with. Maybe I should try to strike up a conversation with her. But then she might think I am crazy (which I am to some extent).
So to all of my GA girls know that I still miss and think about you all the time and long for all the fun times we have had together in the past and wish that I was there to create even more memories with you all. But to my Tenn. girls know that I am so grateful for you guys and for being there for me no matter what and that I am looking forward to all the memories we will be making together.
I had the opportunity to meet up with an old friend from high school yesterday, sans le children. She was in town visiting her parents, taking a quick break from a hectic residency in Miami (she totally lives a Grey's Anatomy life!) I haven't seen her in several years, but when we gave each other a hug, it was like 10 years melted immediately away into a puddle on the floor of Panera Bread.Three and a half talkative hours later (!), I left our lunch feeling as if we hadn't skipped a beat in our friendship, despite the time spent apart. My heart was happy to have had a chance to reconnect with someone who spent many high school and college hours with me shopping, hitting the movie theater, partying, gossiping, and shopping some more.At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, knowing that a good friend is hard to find. I don't normally pour my heart on the blog this way, and maybe it's a total turnoff to you.But maybe there are other readers out there who feel the same way? I think women are inherently programmed to seek out connections with others. I always feel a smile on my face when I meet someone who I can relate to, share with, talk about my feelings with. I love my husband, but he just doesn't get into Project Runway the way a girl friend does. He doesn't understand what it's like to be a mom, to want that pair of shoes so badly that your feet practically itch, or how I panic if I've left the house without earrings on.I have dozens of friends. Wonderful, sweet, sassy, stylish, smart, encouraging friends. But I sometimes find myself wishing for deeper connections. Something beyond the everyday "Hi, howya doin?" type of connection.It made me think of the lucky ladies travelling to Blissdom this week for the big bloggers' conference. Am I the only one who sometimes feels she's standing in the middle of a big, crowded conference room, surrounded by perfectly friendly, lovely people...but wishing for maybe just one person to really connect with? Someone to tell how you really feel, someone you can call to come over for a visit when you haven't vacuumed in a week, someone who will tell you that you need to stop wearing those pants because they make your butt look big.I don't have anything wise or witty to impart today. I don't want to sound whiney or ungrateful for the wonderful women in my life.I'm just honestly curious as to how many other ladies out there feel the same way that I do.Flannery O'Connor wrote a short story in the 1950s called "A Good Man is Hard to Find." I think she might have had it wrong!